Support MDJ

Meet our journalists

exiled journalists who took refuge
different nationalities

Support la Maison des Journalistes

Give a donation to the Maison des Journalistes -MDJ-, it is a commitment to respect freedom of the press and expression in France and in the World, and concretely it is:

→ Guarantee the reception and lodging of at least 14 male and female journalists in the premises of the Maison des Journalistes in Paris for an average stay of 10 months.

→ Encourage the social and administrative support of these media professionals during all the steps necessary to apply for political asylum in France.

→ Renvoyé Spécial, le programme of meetings with journalists from the MDJ, witnesses of the oppression occurring in all four corners of the earth, in order to raise awareness, especially the youth, of the importance of the freedom of expression and of democratic values.

→ reinforce the range of cultural, linguistic and professional activities that punctuate the lives of MDJ residents and encourage their integration into French society for a new life (free French classes, discovery of heritage and French institutions, visits by media partners, journalistic workshops, etc.).

→ support the large-scale cultural projects initiated by the MDJ journalists who cultivate freedom of expression in all its forms (Waiting exhibition in partnership with the City Council of the tenth arrondissement of Paris; the exhibition journal D’Ici in collaboration with Magnum Photo agency in 2019).

→ open L’Oeil de la Maison des journalistes, the online journal of the association, which offers current and former residents a space to exercise their freedom to inform.

To download the Press Release, click here

Support MDJ


