Winner of the 2023 Marianne Initiative, Tamilla Imanova talks to L’Œil about human rights defense and activism in Russia.
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Résultat de recherche pour :Afghanistan: six premiers mois sanguinaires pour les journalistes
En Afghanistan, 9 journalistes sont morts en 2019 Actualisation de l’article daté du 1er aout 2019 En juillet 2019, 37 cas de violence contre les journalistes …
Afghanistan: another deadly Year for Journalists in 2019
Within the first six months of 2019, Afghanistan has lost six of its journalists in separate incidents, the first death of a journalist was recorded …
Impacts and Revelations from Disclose’s Investigative Journalists Regarding the Sale of French Arms to Saudi Arabia
On Tuesday May 28th at 7:30, there was a conference broadcast over Facebook Live at « Le Grand Bréguet », a Parisian bar to explain what happened …
Le comité d’éthique des médias: un rempart à la liberté?
Dans le cadre des 12ème assises internationales du Journalisme de Tours, le collectif #Payetoiunjournaliste a proposé de donner la parole aux citoyens sur la question …
The State of the Press in Egypt: a Fallen Champion
Ranked 161st in the World Press Freedom Index 2018 from Reporters Without Borders, contemporary Egypt is characterized by a rapid deterioration in press freedom, subject …
The state of the press in Afghanistan: the country where journalists die the most
In the first two months of 2019, the Afghan Media Community lost three of its members in two successive incidents. Javid Noori, a radio journalist, …