Comme chaque année, RSF propose un bilan de la situation des journalistes dans le monde. Cette année, 49 journalistes ont été tués, soit le plus …
Afghanistan: six premiers mois sanguinaires pour les journalistes
En Afghanistan, 9 journalistes sont morts en 2019 Actualisation de l’article daté du 1er aout 2019 En juillet 2019, 37 cas de violence contre les journalistes …
Afghanistan: another deadly Year for Journalists in 2019
Within the first six months of 2019, Afghanistan has lost six of its journalists in separate incidents, the first death of a journalist was recorded …
“A good journalist is someone who serves his community”
TESTIMONY FROM A MARITUANIAN JOURNALIST “A good journalist is someone who serves his community. Serving others through my journalistic work, that is my vocation.” This …
The New York Time’s Cartoon Suppression Sparks Worry
The news that shook the world’s largest daily newspaper, the New York Times International. After one month of controversy following an image deemed antisemitic, starting …
Impacts and Revelations from Disclose’s Investigative Journalists Regarding the Sale of French Arms to Saudi Arabia
On Tuesday May 28th at 7:30, there was a conference broadcast over Facebook Live at “Le Grand Bréguet”, a Parisian bar to explain what happened …
Le comité d’éthique des médias: un rempart à la liberté?
Dans le cadre des 12ème assises internationales du Journalisme de Tours, le collectif #Payetoiunjournaliste a proposé de donner la parole aux citoyens sur la question …